MacOS High Sierra on Corsair One Pro
This is more or less my personal note and also, maybe a guide for people who have similar specs machines wanting to try Hackintosh. This whole thing took me about 2 full days in total to get into the state that I’m comfortable with i.e ditching my Macbook Pro for good.
Special thanks to Lich Nguyen for helping me going through from the start with a lot of newbie questions!

Why do I do this:
- Macbook Pros tend to have very loud fan noise when processing basic tasks while connecting to multiple external monitors. This has been my pain points for years now, even with the Macbook Pro 15 (AMD R9 M370X). There is not much I can do about it if I want to keep my current Mac and not spending a ton of more money.
- GPU power has never been a strong feature when it comes to Macs. I don’t want to spend over US$5000 to get a Mac with the graphic power I can get for just US$1350.
- I already got a Corsair One Pro for my gaming needs, and keeping the two is just too inconvenient and costly.
Specs :

- Mainboard: MSI Z270i Gaming Carbon AC
- CPU: Intel 7700K
- GPU: Nvidia Geforce GTX 1080
- Drive: Western Digital My Passport SSD 512GB (I decided to go for this one, since I need at least 512GB for my OS X drive, and I’m already having a perfect working PC that I don’t want to mess with)
- OS (to be installed): MacOS High Sierra 10.13.5

- (unibeast method seems to be the easiest and this is probably the best guide for newbie to follow)
- Fix / Update all your Kexts in EFI/CLOVER/Kext/10.13 with Those needed for me: USBInjectAll.kext | XHCI-200-series-injector.kext | Lilu.kext | NvidiaGraphicsFixup.kext
- Also: my final EFI folder (z270i, GTX 1080, Mac OS 10.13.5) can be downloaded here in case you have the exact same specs.
PS: I know Unibeast probably isn’t the best way of doing it, and people prefer a more vanilla method, but it worked for me, and I’m too lazy to actually make any change to a perfectly stable system now, so maybe next time when I upgrade the OS I will try the vanilla way :).
My BIOS setup (MSI z270 / z270i):
- Restore to default BIOS
- Legacy USB Support -> Auto
- Fast Boot -> Disabled
- Secure Boot Support -> Disabled
- Resume By USB Device -> Enabled
[Fixed] “Error loading kernel cache (0x9)” and “Couldn’t allocate runtime area” when booting
- Nothing will fix it except for (more info:
[Fixed] GPU Not recognized after using “OsxAptioFix2Drv-free2000.efi” from above fix
[Fixed] iMessage:
- Follow (remember to enable iCloud keychain in order to be able to sync msg stored on iCloud)
- Remember to chose msg forwarding on your iPhone to your hackintosh too.
[Fixed] Front USB + some back USB not working: maybe this will help:
- [DO NOT DO THIS] Multibeast -> install USB driver-> USBInjectAll. This will install the USBInjectAll kext into /System/Library/Extensions which will create a series of shitty problems related to your USB ports. Leave it alone.
- doesn’t fix it for 10.13.5
- doesn’t fix it for 10.13.5
- doesn’t fix it for 10.13.5
- As suggested here, following this guide to create my custom SSDT
- FIXED here
[Fixed] Shutdown actually went straight to Reboot after 3 seconds, Sleep — Awake USB Not working
- “Fix_Shutdown didn’t work, but editing the clover config file in notepad and changing it to Fix_Shutdown_0004 fixed the problem.”
- All fixed except that I still can not use Sleep, due to having an external USB-C SSD OS Drive. It seems like every time the Hackintosh wakes up, it restarts the USB-C drive, which apparently crash the system a few seconds after
[Fixed] Audio not working
- Trying this guide:
- Note: The MSI Z270i comes with Realtek ALC 1220
[Fixed] Windows clock seems to kept resets itself to UTC+0 Time Zone. Turned out to be a known issue with dual booting:
[Fixed] Can not turn bluetooth off -> download and put the 2 kext files into EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Others
Also, if you want to use an external usb bluetooth (mine is CSR8510 A10), you can follow this guide -> (basically: download Bluetooth Explorer -> Tools -> HCI Controller Selector -> Chose CSR and Activate
You might also need to download and run this with xcode(see ->
Self Notes:
- In OS X’s Disk Utilities, always Chose View -> Show All Devices and manipulate the Physical Disks, not the Volumes
- Install it on an external SSD turned out to be working great for me (USB-C port worked out of the box + if there is any boot problem I can just plug in a Macbook Pro with Clover Config Installed). Plus there is virtually no differences between the External SSD Drive Speed and my old Macbook Pro’s internal SSD.
- Must boot with nv_disable=1 until you have installed the web drivers.
- MultiBeast drivers must be chosen carefully (if your Hackintosh already got its Ethernet working, not choosing to install Intel Ethernet at the last step will break it, but do not chose everything)
Edit: I ended up cleaning my EFI folders to only include what absolutely necessary, that’s the only way I could achieve a much more stable system, might as well not using MultiBeast / Unibeast in the first place. - Use Clover Configurator to setup some default boot settings (e.g always enable Verbose) and to mount EFI folders from your drive. EFI is needed in a drive in order to be boot up. This contains all drivers (kext) and settings (config.plist) too.

- Turn OFF Auto Update from your System Preferences -> App Store

- Mobo’s Intel Wifi: Not supported ☹️, no luck there. However, my cheap Wifi Dongle (happened to be using Realtek RTL8192EU) works with the following driver
- GSync or High Refresh Rate monitors: Supported!
Edit: i turned GSync off after realizing that it could cause random freeze and it’s really not necessary to have when I’m not playing games on the mac anyway :).

- Bluetooth: Works (strangely!)

- Back Ups— Time Machine: Works Perfectly, even for migrating from My Macbook Pro drive into my Hackintosh drive

- Back Ups — SuperDuper!: Time Machine won’t give me bootable drives, and in some cases, it is critical to have a clone that you can mess things up / test things around. I decided to use SuperDuper! (free version) to just copied the entire drive into a cheap external drive and also made sure it’s bootable.

- GeekBench (no overclock):

- Cinebench R15

- Deep Learning: Nope, looks like I need to install CUDA driver in some special way. Too lazy to do it as of now.